The Process
About Us

About Us

Tom and Anna first met in the spring of 2001 at an art supply store in Anna's native country of Sweden. Just over a year later they were married on a beach of Tom's birthplace of Oahu. Together they form a unique partnership that strives to capture in their art the special beauty that is Hawaii.

For Anna, who trained under the guidance of her celebrated grandfather, the Swedish artist Bror Halldin, starting a new life in Hawaii has brought something extra special to her work. "In Sweden I enjoyed many commissioned pieces, but I often felt my vision was being restrained and compromised, but now in Hawaii my inspiration is renewed and I have a whole new creative perspective to explore. Hawaii is so exotic and I see flowers and colors and composition in a fresh and almost spiritual way. I am so excited with all the possibilities!"

Tom, on the other hand, had to leave Hawaii to discover just how special it truly is. "I was born and raised on the island of Oahu and honestly it wasn't until I moved to Europe to continue my art studies that I realized I had been taking Hawaii for granted; I especially missed the color of Hawaiian waters, it's soaring mountains, and the warmth of it's people. I loved my time abroad and as an artist the opportunity to study the works of the masters firsthand has been greatly rewarding, but I now know Hawaii is my home. I just hope my paintings can do it justice..."

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Phone 808.821.1494 (HST)

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